Auto insurance can be very expensive when the wrong coverage is purchased. We take great pains to market each client's policy with a number of insurance companies to find the best fit for the client. Each and every household is classified and rated based on the vehicles, drivers and coverage. Discounts available include safe driver, age and multi-car. Auto insurance provides protection for your car, your passengers, and the third party that you may hit or be struck by.
Physical damage includes collision and comprehensive protection for your auto.
Collision covers upset and overturn, or "wrecks" in layman's terms.
Comprehensive covers fire, theft, vandalism, animals and windshield.
Liability coverage protects the owner of a vehicle for bodily injury and for property damage insured as a result of his negligence. Liability coverage includes medical rehabilitation and therapy.
Uninsured motorist coverage protects you in the event that you or your property suffer if hit by a driver in a car that does not carry mandated insurance.
Underinsured motorist coverage provides excess coverage if you are hit by someone carrying very low limits of liability that are not sufficient to cover your damages.
Examples of Split Liability Limits for simplification:
- 100/300/100 = $100,000/$300,000/$100,000
- $100,000 is the most that (in this case) will be paid for any one person injured in an accident.
- $300,000 is the most that will be paid for ALL injuries in an accident, subject to the $100,000 max per person.
- $100,000 is the most that will be paid for all property damage in an accident.